Check out this webinar and you’ll leave knowing:

  • What a Brand is and Why it Matters to Group Fitness Instructors.

  • Why You Should Focus on Creating Your Own Teaching Brand.

  • The Elements You Need to Build Your Brand & Where to Start.

Plus receive 0.2 ACE CECs & 2.0  AFAA CEUs! All for $19.95! Full description below.


If you’re a group fitness instructor wanting to grow your following and make a greater impact with what you do, this training is for you!

It’s not only products and companies that have brands now…people do to! And in your role of leadership and service, you will have a brand that people will come to know you by. The question is – will you create your brand accidentally or on purpose?

Building Your Brand is all about discovering what it is that inspires you as well as what makes you unique among the hundreds of thousands of instructors out there.

We’ll cover what it means to have a brand, what the key elements are and how you can start from a strong foundation that allows you to operate from a place of passion.


50% Complete

Two Step

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